Our Approach to Dealership Sales Events

What sets us apart is that we do both Upgraders and Private Sales in addition to Lease Renewal Events. This means we are in dealerships working with our sleeves rolled up elbow to elbow leading events every week. We know how to deliver results and the kind of help your team needs. We are relevant because it has not been a decade or two since we desked a deal or sold a truck! We are also very nimble. We have Canada Post figured out. Our printing is all done here in the west. We also do staff and management and leadership training for all departments. Finally, we believe our pricing to be super competitive at the outset without you having to bargain us down!

Automotive Private Sales Events

Our goal is to give you a very big bang for your buck with our Automotive Private Sales Events. This concept involves no advertising and focuses entirely on your own client base, friends, family and current prospects. Our outside voice of experience can galvanize your people into a formidable team and perhaps lead them to the best day in the history of your store. Imagine a quarter to a third of a month’s business in one or two days! Notice our Rate Chart is posted. We want you to be able to figure out what it costs before ever being in touch. We are VERY competitively priced!

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Cam Clark Ford
Over 2 days!
Vancouver Volkswagen
Over 3 days!
Volvo Edmonton
Over 1 day!

Automotive Upgrader Sales Events

Usually over 8-10 days, our Automotive Upgrader Sales Events drive customers to the web and to your dealership. Our Sales Event CRM tracks everything for you. It’s a turnkey sale remotely organized by us to give your team the greatest chance for success. Take a peek at these ideas. Today, there is so much direct mail. We have to get opened. We have to get read. Anything amateur just will not work. Plus, we must represent you well. Notice our Rate Chart is posted. We want you to be able to figure out what it costs before ever being in touch. We are VERY competitively priced!

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Letters sent
Site visits
Registered leads
Closing ratio

Automotive Lease Renewal Events

Our goal with our Automotive Lease Renewal Events is to not only give you a great return on your investment but also to leave you and your staff with the process, tools and skills to maximize your lease renewal opportunities in the future. Like a Private Sale this concept involves no advertising and focuses entirely on prospects from your own client base whose leases are maturing in the next few months. Our outside voice of experience will bring order and process to the chaos of this type of Event.

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Tim and Bob were Master Consultants for HAC Group (Half-A-Car), well recognized as the world’s leading Lease Training experts. It is the Lease Renewal Event that completes the cycle for why we lease in the first place!

We are proud to disclose the results of over 500 of our Events

Event Results

Increase your sales now!

Contact a team member today at (780) 232-9092